Approximately 20km north of Cairns city you will find several beach-side suburbs. Yorkeys Knob is the third beach out from the Airport and is easily accessed from the clearly signposted roundabout on the Captain Cook Highway.

It is perhaps one of the best northern beach locations for fishing, however techniques and fishing times are fairly specific.

Yorkey’s is home to the very popular watering hole, the Half Moon Bay Marina, where visitors and guests are more than welcome. It is a modern development which includes restaurant, bars, gaming area, deck dining, entertainment area and even a child minding centre. Just next door is the picturesque Half Moon Bay Golf Course.

A courtesy coach to and from the neighbouring suburbs is also available for intending guest and diners.

The sheltered Marina is home to many private vessels, reef charter operators and fishing boats. The basin has been dredged from a natural creek bed and incorporates Half Moon Creek in its environs. The rock wall built to shelter the Marina and boat launching area is a real fish attracting structure.

During the summer months, and after heavy persistent rainfall, baitfish and prawns are flushed out from the adjacent creek and they seek shelter around the rock wall structure. This is prime Barramundi time and a visit to this wall is a must during these conditions.

Tides are still very important however and fishing should be concentrated around the turn and at dawn and dusk. Large salt water Barra are the targets here and fish of over 10kg are common captures. Use good quality spinning and baitcasting tackle loaded with at least 10kg line. This rig should incorporate a double line and a heavy mono leader of fifty pound breaking strain. Lures should also have x-strong hooks and popular models include Bomber Long A-Gold, Manns Stretch, Reidy’s and Leeds lures.

Other species encountered include Mangrove Jacks, Flathead and Trevally. Fish from either the north or south marina rock wall (both marina or sea sides can be productive), or from a small rocky headland just to the south of the boat ramp.

Extreme care should be taken as wet, weather worn rocks can be extremely slippery and adequate footwear must be worn.

Boat Ramp Info Click here for Boat Ramp information for this locality.

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